Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Karis Faith, we choose Hope

We finally have a name!  Her name is Karis Faith Lantz.  Karis means "grace."  Kalyn, Kory's sister actually found it for us, suggested it and we love it.  It fits her perfectly.  Here is the definition that Kalyn found:

 karis- greek word for "grace"
   -that which affords joy, pleasure, delight, sweetness, charm, loving-kindness
   -favor of the merciful kindness by which God, exerting his holy influence on souls,
     turns them to Christ, keeps, strengthens, increases them in Christian faith, knowledge,
     and affection
   -a gift of grace
   -thanks (for benefits, services) reward

Grace is what we don't deserve but God gives it to us anyways, and we feel like Karis is very much a gift God has given us that we are "unworthy" of.  All children are (Psalm 127:3).  They are his children, yet he gives them to us as gifts to enjoy and train up, and we are undeserving of such a privilege.  Karis is teaching us more and more about God's grace daily.  His grace in our lives is richer because of Karis.  He is showing us that his grace is sufficient in our lives and his power is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).  He is extending his grace to us daily, which is the only way possible for us to keep walking this path with peace even with all the unknown looming ahead.

Her middle name Faith, is because this is the biggest lesson her life is teaching us, all of us.  She is teaching us to trust in God, even when we cannot see the road ahead or have the answers.  We will probably not have clarity as to why God allowed this or how he is using it for good on this side of heaven, but we still trust.  Our faith is increasing daily through the life of Karis.

She is grace and faith to us.  Her life carries the weight and the lessons of grace and faith.  Naming her has brought a whole new meaning to choosing hope.  Now we can embrace her even more in these days to come and she has an identity, she is Karis Faith Lantz. We have been able to open our hearts fully to her and make the most of every moment we have with her.  Today, Avery & I painted pictures for Karis.  We went to the park with Karis.  Avery pushed her  (& mommy) on the swing. Karis is going to meet some special friends that are bringing us dinner tonight.  We are telling her about her aunts & uncles, her cousins, her grandparents.  We explained the neighborhood she lives in and that our family loves to take walks every night.  We told her all about her sister and apologized for all the times she has felt Avery kick or jump on her in the womb.  She can be a rough one at times.  We read her some books and Avery even shared her sippy cup of milk with her (and spilled it all over my shirt).  I'm so thankful for each day and each moment we get to love little Karis and have her apart of our family.

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