Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Happy Birthday Karis Faith!

Happy Birthday baby K!  Sweet girl.  I don't have the energy to write about our whole day with you now, but I do want to tell you that today was your delivery day.  I never knew I could feel the weight of such emotion.  You are so loved.  I wanted so badly today to honor you as your mom and deliver you with Grace- because that is what you deserve sweet girl.  I wanted so badly to get to be your mommy on this side of earth- but Jesus is with you-taking so much better care of you that I could.  I wanted to bring you home today and then I realized you are home.  Jesus took you home instead of us.  You went to a place of no pain, or crying or sadness.  What a better place you are in than we.  It does my heart good to know you are laughing and playing, even if I am crying and sad.  I just want to whisper in your ear that I love you, so I’m asking Jesus tonight to tell you.  I want to tuck you in and sing you to sleep, but I trust the angels in heaven are taking care of that for you.  You will always have a place in my heart, Karis Faith.

I love you.

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